Laura Levasseur Background & Qualifications


Laura Levasseur was a valued member of Forman Law Firm.  She was an expert in the field of securities arbitration claims and damages. After working as an expert independently for decades, and after years of our begging Laura to come join Forman Law Firm, she finally thought our firm was the best move for the rest of her career.  We were delighted.  Unfortunately for our Firm, God called Laura home, and she passed away March 30, 2022.  Her obituary highlights what a shining light she was to all whom she encountered.

We share her Obituary and leave her Biography here to honor her work, expertise, and dedication to her clients.  We were proud to have known Laura and to have worked with her.

Laura Levasseur was Forman Law Firm’s claims analyst and forensic accounting expert.

Laura was responsible for initially vetting cases, determining damages, and assisting in the mediation, arbitration and trial of cases. She had been in and around the securities litigation field for more than 20 years, both with law firms representing Claimants and as an independent forensic consultant and expert witness representing both Claimants and Respondents.

Laura had been involved in more than 3,000 cases since she began in the industry in 1999. She has testified as a Damages Expert more than 40 times.

She has been involved in FINRA arbitrations, United States District Courts, Bankruptcy Courts and SEC Investigations.

Laura’s substantial experience and expert ability to “follow the money” and identify what happened, when, and by whom is a valuable asset to the Forman Law Firm team and all of the Firm’s clients.

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